Saturday, May 21, 2011

Companion Animal Welfare Inquiry – Notice of Motion

(Parliament House)
That this House:
(1) Appoints a select committee to inquire on companion animal welfare with the view to improving their welfare.
(2) That the committee consider the following:
(a) The number and cause of companion animals arriving in NSW shelters and pounds each year and their outcome, such as whether they get re-homed, re-united or euthanized;
(b) Breeding of companion animals;
(c) The practices associated with the sale of companion animals including from pet shops, markets, pounds, shelters, on-line, classifieds, or to the overseas market;
(d) Mandatory desexing including prior to sale;
(e) The effectiveness and enforcement of Department of Primary Industries’ companion animal policies, standards and guidelines;
(f) The effectiveness of the Companion Animals Act and its application by local government;
(g) The effectiveness of micro-chipping;
(h) Treatment of companion animals travelling by airplane;
(i) The impact of pet bans in accommodation including apartments, strata, retirement villages, and rental properties;
(j) The impact of pet bans on public transport;
(k) The existence and effectiveness of education programs on responsible pet ownership, including the importance of desexing;
(l) Data collection by government and non-government agencies to inform and monitor companion animal welfare; and,
(m) Any other matter relevant to improving companion animal welfare.
(3) That the Committee consist of six members as follows:
(a) Ms Clover Moore, who shall be Chair of the committee;
(b) Three shall be from the Government; and,
(c) Two non-government members.
(4) That the members be nominated in writing to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly by the relevant party leaders within seven calendar days of the passing of this resolution.
(5) That at any meeting of the committee four members shall constitute a quorum.

from here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Steve Maxwell has got both rabbits and Pittwater mayor in a stew
RESIDENTS say hunting rabbits with a bow and arrow is an acceptable way to control the “feral pests” on the peninsula.
The community has come out in support of the “bunny slayer”, Steve Maxwell, with at least one resident calling on the experienced hunter to kill rabbits on their property.
Mr Maxwell took the rabbit plague into his own hands, shooting rabbits on private properties in Warriewood with a bow and arrow.
He made a video, titled Bunny Slayer, and posted it on YouTube. The footage included slow-motion replays on rabbits being hit and his children holding weapons and rabbit carcasses.
RELATED NEWS: Rabbit Rambo leads one-man war against bunny plague

read the rest here.