ANIMALS AUSTRALIA: Many household products are still tested on animals. You can help us give a little back to the Easter Bunny this year by ordering a cruelty-free Easter gift featuring a bashful bunny by JellyCat, a symbolic adoption certificate, a cruelty-free (non animal-tested) product list, and a stash of delicious dairy-free chocolates by Constant Craving, Plamil andRawganic! Go here.
Please remind people this Easter, don't buy your kids a real bunny. The House Rabbit Society remind people of these facts:
- Rabbits are not "low-maintenance" pets, and are a poor choice as a pet for children.
- They have a lifespan of 10 years and require as much work as a dog or cat.
- Your home must be bunny-proofed, or Thumper will chew cords and furniture.
- Rabbits must be neutered or spayed or they will mark your house with feces and urine.
- They should live indoors, as members of the family.
Furthermore, when choosing your chocolate, keep in mind that the Bilby Not Bunny campaign directly funds the government released virus' such as myxomatosis that can kill your domestic bunny. Without a vaccine, these deathly virus' give our bunnies no chance. There are better ways to manage bilby conservation and regardless, domestic bunnies cannot rationally be classed as part of the threat to bilbies. Boycott any chocolate in the shape of a Bilby or from the brands Haighs or Darrell Lea. I'm sure there are others too so be wary.
OR an even better Easter gift from Goodwill Wines. I have personally taste tested some of these wines and I can vouch for their deliciousness and also back their courageous cause. Radical Rabbit are passionate animal lovers who fight against animal abuse and aim to educate the community on how affectionate, caring rabbits can be and how many end up leading cruel lives being abused behind closed doors. Your purchase goes towards helping their rescued rabbits but also supports their political action, such as their case to get the myxo vaccine for domestic bunnies.
OR an even better Easter gift from Goodwill Wines. I have personally taste tested some of these wines and I can vouch for their deliciousness and also back their courageous cause. Radical Rabbit are passionate animal lovers who fight against animal abuse and aim to educate the community on how affectionate, caring rabbits can be and how many end up leading cruel lives being abused behind closed doors. Your purchase goes towards helping their rescued rabbits but also supports their political action, such as their case to get the myxo vaccine for domestic bunnies.
Happy Holidays!