Sunday, April 10, 2011

Be sweet to Bunnies this Easter

Why do bunnies need our help?

Though it's illegal to test cosmetics and toiletries on animals in Australia, a loophole allows products that have been tested in laboratories overseas to still be sold in Australian supermarkets.

One of the most common animal tests is theDraize test, in which rabbits are restrained and have chemicals dripped to their sensitive eyes. They are often left to languish for days, unable to paw at their inflamed eyes to remove the painful substances.

Many people don't know that some of the most popular brands such asColgate/PalmoliveProcter & Gamble, andL'Oreal fund cruel and unnecessary tests that burn, poison, and kill millions of animals every year. You can help to convince these companies to quickly adopt humane alternatives to animal tests by demanding that animal tested cosmetics be banned in Australia. Please click here to take action.

On behalf of all animals who deserve to be free from laboratories, thank you for your support. We wish you a very happy, cruelty-free Easter!

From the Animals Australia team

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